Price Pump Company is a premier manufacturer of Centrifugal and Air Operated Diaphragm (AOD®) pumps with over 80 years of experience. Price Pumps specializes in addressing the needs of specialty applications for industrial and OEM users. All Price pump are backed by world-class engineering support, customer care and a standard 2-year warranty. Let PFC Equipment configure a Price pump for your application that not only meets, but exceeds your expectations.
Price Pump, Magnetically Driven Centrifugal Pump HP75MD & HP100MD
Flows to 65 GPM (246 LPM) / Heads to 165 feet (50 meters)
Materials of Construction:
- Volute: 316SS
- “O”-Ring: Viton (STD) Teflon, Buna, EPR, Neoprene, Kalrez, Flouro-Silicon
- Bracket: 316SS Bushings: Carbon (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Shaft: 316SS (STD), Tungsten Carbide Coated
- Thrust Washers: Ceramic (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Impeller: 316SS
- Magnet Cup: 316SS
- Fasteners: 316SS
- Industry – Chemical process, deionized water, wastewater treatment, refrigerants and caustics
- O.E.M. – Washers, filters, chillers, cooling towers, scrubbers, plating equipment
- Agriculture – Acid fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- Magnet Material-Samarium Cobalt
- Standard NEMA 56C motors
- Optional Tungsten carbide coated shaft
- Optional Bushings-Alpha Silicon Carbide (Tungsten carbide coated shaft reguired)
- Standard Bushings-Carbon Graphite
Price Pump, Magnetically Driven Centrifugal Pump HP75MD & HP100MD
Flows to 65 GPM (246 LPM) / Heads to 165 feet (50 meters)
Materials of Construction:
- Volute: 316SS
- “O”-Ring: Viton (STD) Teflon, Buna, EPR, Neoprene, Kalrez, Flouro-Silicon
- Bracket: 316SS
- Bushings: Carbon (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Shaft: 316SS (STD), Tungsten Carbide Coated
- Thrust Washers: Ceramic (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Impeller: 316SS
- Magnet Cup: 316SS
- Fasteners: 316SS
- Industry – Chemical process, deionized water, wastewater treatment, refrigerants and caustics
- O.E.M. – Washers, filters, chillers, cooling towers, scrubbers, plating equipment
- Agriculture – Acid fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- Magnet Material-Samarium Cobalt
- Standard NEMA 56C motors
- Optional Tungsten carbide coated shaft
- Optional Bushings-Alpha Silicon Carbide (Tungsten carbide coated shaft reguired)
- Standard Bushings-Carbon Graphite
Price Pump, Magnetically Driven Centrifugal Pump CD100MD & CD150MD
Flows to 190 GPM (719 LPM) / Heads to 90 feet (27 meters)
Materials of Construction:
- Volute: 316SS
- “O”-Ring: Viton (STD) Teflon, Buna, EPR, Neoprene, Kalrez, Flouro-Silicon
- Bracket: 316SS
- Bushings: Carbon (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Shaft: 316SS (STD), Tungsten Carbide Coated
- Thrust Washers: Ceramic (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Impeller: 316SS
- Magnet Cup: 316SS
- Fasteners: 316SS
- Industry – Chemical process, deionized water, wastewater treatment, refrigerants and caustics
- O.E.M. – Washers, filters, chillers, cooling towers, scrubbers, plating equipment
- Agriculture – Acid fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- Magnet Material-Samarium Cobalt
- Standard NEMA 56C motors
- Optional Tungsten carbide coated shaft
- Optional Bushings-Alpha Silicon Carbide (Tungsten carbide coated shaft reguired)
- Standard Bushings-Carbon Graphite
Price Pump, Magnetically Driven Centrifugal Pump CL150MD
Flows to 320 GPM (1211 LPM) / Heads to 145 feet (44 meters)
Materials of Construction:
- Volute: 316SS
- “O”-Ring: Viton (STD) Teflon, Buna, EPR, Neoprene, Kalrez, Flouro-Silicon
- Bracket: 316SS
- Bushings: Carbon (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Shaft: 316SS (STD), Tungsten Carbide Coated
- Thrust Washers: Ceramic (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Impeller: 316SS
- Magnet Cup: 316SS
- Fasteners: 316SS
- Industry – Chemical process, deionized water, wastewater treatment, refrigerants and caustics
- O.E.M. – Washers, filters, chillers, cooling towers, scrubbers, plating equipment
- Agriculture – Acid fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- Magnet Material-Samarium Cobalt
- Standard NEMA 56C motors
- Optional Tungsten carbide coated shaft
- Optional Bushings-Alpha Silicon Carbide (Tungsten carbide coated shaft reguired)
- Standard Bushings-Carbon Graphite
Price Pump, Magnetically Driven Centrifugal Pump XL100MD, XL150MD, XL200MD
Flows to 400 GPM (1514 LPM) / Heads to 150 feet (45 meters)
Materials of Construction:
- Volute: 316SS
- “O”-Ring: Viton (STD) Teflon, Buna, EPR, Neoprene, Kalrez, Flouro-Silicon
- Bracket: 316SS
- Bushings: Carbon (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Shaft: 316SS (STD), Tungsten Carbide Coated
- Thrust Washers: Ceramic (STD), Silicon Carbide
- Impeller: 316SS
- Magnet Cup: 316SS
- Fasteners: 316SS
- Industry – Chemical process, deionized water, wastewater treatment, refrigerants and caustics
- O.E.M. – Washers, filters, chillers, cooling towers, scrubbers, plating equipment
- Agriculture – Acid fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- Magnet Material-Samarium Cobalt
- Standard NEMA 56C motors
- Optional Tungsten carbide coated shaft
- Optional Bushings-Alpha Silicon Carbide (Tungsten carbide coated shaft reguired)
- Standard Bushings-Carbon Graphite
PFC Equipment offers a complete line of products and services for all fluid handling applications. We provide unmatched service and support in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and western Wisconsin. Our application experts will help you select the best pump, filter and control for your specifications. We also provide system design services for all markets and applications.
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump LT
Flows to 12 GPM (45 LPM) / Heads to 48 feet (15 m)
- Compact close coupled design
- NEMA 42C face motor, optional power frame available
- Mechanical seal: 5/8″ Type 21 Fluorocarbon, carbon vs. ceramic standard
- Type 9 PTFE, Type 21 double seals, silicon carbide faces are among the many seal options available from stock.
- Seal flush and other options available
Vertical Features:
- Sealless construction
- Carbon bushings standard, glass filled PTFE optional
- Standard column lengths 7-1/2″ (19cm), 13″ (33cm) and 20″ (50cm)
- Available in 316SS
Materials of Construction
- Volute/Bracket Bronze 85-5-5-5 316 SS
- Impeller Bronze 85-5-5-5 316 SS
- Bracket Bronze 85-5-5-5 316 SS
- Shaft 316 SS 316 SS
- Fasteners 18-8 SS 316 SS
- Gasket Synthetic Fiber Teflon
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump F/P
Flows to 25 GPM (95 LPM)/ Heads to 54 feet (16 meters)
- Air Conditioning
- Washing Machines
- Carpet Cleaners
- Bilge Pumps
- Wash Down
- Circulating Pumps
- Coolant Pumps
- Brine Circulation
- Compact close coupled design
- Standard NEMA 56J motor
- Mechanical seal: 5/8″ Type 6A Buna, carbon vs. ceramic standard
Materials Of Construction:
- Part F-AI F-BF F-AB
- Volute C.I. C.I. Bronze
- Bracket C.I. C.I. Bronze
- Impeller C.I. Bronze Bronze
- Shaft 416SS 416SS 416SS
- Fasteners Plated Steel Plated Steel 18-8SS
- Gasket Synthetic Fiber Synthetic Fiber Synthetic Fiber
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump HP75/HP100
Close Coupled Horizontal and Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Flows to 70 GPM (265 LPM) (316SS or Bronze Impeller)/ Heads to 160 feet (49 meters)
Flows to 20 GPM (76 LPM) (CPVC Impeller) / Heads to 160 feet (49 meters)
Materials :
- HP75 Series
- HP75BN (Bronze)
- HP75BS (Bronze with Stainless Steel impeller)
- HP75KN (Kanigen Plated)
- HP75KS (Kanigen Plated with Stainless Steel impeller)
- HP75CS (CPVC with Stainless Steel impeller)
- HP75SS (316 Stainless Steel)
- HP75SC (316 Stainless Steel body / CPVC impeller)
- HP75NN (Noryl body with CPVC Impeller)
- HP100 Series
- HP100AB (Bronze)
- HP100BS (Bronze with Stainless Steel impeller)
- HP100SS (316 Stainless Steel)
- HP100SC (316 Stainless Steel body / CPVC impeller)
- Industry – Circulating chilled water, Booster pumps, Sprinkler pumps, Deionized water
- OEM – Booster pumps, Chiller pumps for various uses, Air conditioning, Laser coolers
- Standard NEMA 56J motors
- Bronze volute, Electroless Nickel Plated volute, CPVC molded volute, or Stainless Steel Volute and Bracket
- Compact size
- Mechanical seal: 5/8″ Type 6 Buna, carbon vs. ceramic standard
- Molded CPVC, Bronze or 316SS impellers available on all models
Materials of Construction:
- Volute Bronze Bronze Kanigen
- Plated Kanigen
- Plated CPVC CPVC 316SS 316SS Bronze Noryl
- Impeller CPVC 316SS CPVC 316SS CPVC 316SS 316SS CPVC Bronze CPVC
- Bracket Cast Iron
- (Bronze Option) Cast Iron
- (Bronze Option) Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron 316SS 316SS Cast Iron
- (Bronze Option) Noryl
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump OH75
Flows to 60 GPM (227 LPM) / Heads to 160 feet (49 Meters)
- OH75 CP (Natural CPVC)
- OH75 PF (Natural PVDF)
- Sump Pumping
- Electronics
- Water Treatment
- Photo Processing
- Acid transfer
- Recirculating
- Metal etching
- Chillers
- All non-metallic wetted parts
- True volute design for high efficiency and better performance
- Compact close coupled design
- Standard NEMA 56C motors
- Optional Seal Flush
- Optional seals available
- Mechanical seal: 1″ Type 36 Fluorocarbon non-metallicseal standard
- Unique sleeved impeller design
- Optional power frame available
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump MS50
Flows to 20 GPM (76 LPM) / Heads to 380 feet (116 meters)
- MS50 (316SS)
- Deionized water system
- Ultrafiltration systems
- Cooling pumps for laser systems
- Reverse osmosis systems
- Acid handling
- Standard NEMA 56C motor
- Mechanical seal: 5/8″ Type 21 Fluorocarbon, carbon vs. ceramic standard. Type 9 PTFE and Type 21 Fluorocarbon double seal optional
- Seal flush and seal quench optional
- Optional power frame available
- Standard bushings are graphite, with glass filled PTFE optional
- Standard “O”-rings are Fluorocarbon with EPR, neoprene or PTFE optional
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump CD100 & CD150
Close Coupled Horizontal and Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Flows to 160 GPM (606 LPM) / Heads to 100 feet (30 meters)
Flows to 160 GPM (606 LPM) / Heads to 100 feet (30 meters)
- 316 Stainless Steel
- Cast Iron
- All Bronze
- Cast Iron/Bronze Fitted Impeller
- Industry – Chemical process, deionized water, wastewater treatment, hot solvents, and caustics
- O.E.M. – Washers, filters, chillers, cooling towers, scrubbers, plating equipment
- Agriculture – Acid fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- Close Coupled design using standard NEMA 56C motors
- Optional power frame available
- Mechanical seal: JohnCrane 5/8″ Type 21 Fluorocarbon standard, Type 9 PTFE and Type 21 Fluorocarbon double seal available
- Optional seal face materials and elastomers available
- Seal flush and seal quench optional
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump RC200 & RC300
Close Coupled Horizontal and Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Flows to 400 GPM (1514 LPM) / Heads to 75 feet (23 meters)
- Industry – Aquaculture, Coolant pumps and cold water circulating pumps, Chemical transfer pumps, Cooling Tower pumps
- O.E.M. – Circulating Washers, Machine tool coolants
- Fluorocarbon Type 21 and PTFE Type 9 single seals optional.Other seal faces and elastomers available.
- Mechanical seal: 5/8″ Type 6A Buna, carbon vs. ceramic, single seal standard
- Semi-open, high efficiency Francis type impeller.
- Up to 5hp in three-phase DP or TE, and up to 3hp in three-phase XP.
- Single and three-phase are available in Drip Proof, Totally Enclosed or Explosion Proof design.
- Motors are standard NEMA ‘C’ face design with ball bearings.
- Compact close coupled design.
- Double Type 21 Fluorocarbon, neoprene or EPR seals optional
- Seal flush and seal quench optional
- Optional Power Frame available
Vertical Features:
- Sealless construction
- Carbon bushing standard, glass filled PTFE optional
- Standard column length is 13″ (33cm) in cast iron construction. For longer lengths the RC-V series offers a 13″ (33cm), 20″ (50cm), 32″ (81cm), and 44″ (112cm) column in cast iron or 316SS.
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump CL150
Close Coupled Horizontal and Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Flows to 300 GPM (1136 LPM) / Heads to 125 feet (38 meters)
- CL-SS 316 SS
- Scrubbers, Filters, Washers
- De-Ionized Water, Reverse Osmosis
- Acids, Alkalis, Glycols, Solvents, Caustics
- Compact close coupled design using standard NEMA “C” OR “TC” motors
- Back pull-out design for easy maintenance
- Optional O-ring design available
- 316SS – John Crane Type 21 Viton®, Carbon vs. Ceramic, standard seal
- Seal flush optional
- Optional seal face materials include Ni resist, tungsten carbide and silicon carbide
- John Crane Type 9 Teflon® seal available
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump SP150
Close Coupled Self Priming Horizontal Centrifugal Pump
Flows to 150 GPM (568 LPM) / Heads to 95 feet (29 meters)
- SP150 AI (Cast Iron)
- SP150 SS (316SS)
- SP150 SF (Cast Iron-Stainless Fitted)
- Ground water remediation, Chemical sump pumps, Filters
- Wastewater treatment, Chemical transfer
- Dewatering, Pumping solvents, Agricultural
- Compact close coupled design
- Standard NEMA 56C motor
- Mechanical seal: 3/4″ Type 21 Buna, carbon vs. ceramic standard on cast iron pumps; 3/4″ Type 21
- Fluorocarbon, ceramic vs. carbon is standard on 316SS pumps
- Self priming pump
- Optional seal face materials and elastomers available
- Semi-open impellers
- Seal flush available
- Optional power frame available
- Back pull out design
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump XL & XT
Close Coupled Closed-Impeller Horizontal Centrifugal Pump
Flows to 400 GPM (1514 LPM) / Heads to 136 feet (41 meters)
- XL100-1″ x 1-1/2″ x 6″
- XL150-1-1/2″ x 3″ x 6″
- XL200-2″ x 3″ x 6″
- XT100-1″ x 1-1/2″ x 6″
- XT150-1-1/2″ x 2″ x 6″
- XT200-2″ x 3″ x 6″
- XL and XT Pumps
- XL (Centerline Flanged) (316SS only)
- XT (Tangential Threaded) (316SS, Cast Iron, and All Bronze and Cast Iron Bronze Fitted)
- Industry – Chemical process, Deionized water, Water and wastewater treatment, Hot solvents, Caustics
- OEM – Washers, Filters, Chillers, Cooling towers, Scrubbers, Plating equipment
- Agriculture – Acid Fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- Mechanical seal: 1-1/2″ Type 21 Fluorocarbon, carbon vs. ceramic standard. Type 9 PTFE and Type 21
- Standard NEMA JM motors; ODP, TEFC, XP… 56C also available
- Fluorocarbon double seal optional
- Seal flush and seal quench optional
- Optional power frame available
- Close coupled through — horsepower
- Replaceable shaft sleeve
- 150 lb. centerline ANSI dimensioned flanges
- Available NPT connections
Price Pump, Centrifugal Pump XJ & JB
Close Coupled Horizontal and Vertical Centrifugal Pumps
Flows to 1100 GPM (4165 LPM) / Heads to 300 feet (91 meters)
- XJ100-1″ x 1-1/2″ x 8″
- XJ150-1-1/2″ x 3″ x 8″
- XJ200-2″ x 3″ x 8″
- XJ400-4″ x 4″ x 8.5″
- JB100-1″ x 1-1/2″ x 8″
- JB150-1-1/2″ x 2″ x 8″
- JB200-2″ x 3″ x 8″
- XJ (Centerline Flanged) 316 Stainless Steel
- JB (Centerline Threaded) 316 Stainless Steel
- Agriculture – Acid Fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
- OEM – Washers, Filters, Chillers, Cooling towers, Scrubbers, Plating equipment
- Industry – Chemical process, Deionized water, Water and wastewater treatment, Hot solvents, Caustics
- Standard NEMA JM motors; ODP, TEFC, XP are also available
- Mechanical seal: 1-1/2″ Type 21 Fluorocarbon, carbon vs. ceramic standard. Type 9 PTFE and Type 21
- Fluorocarbon double seal optional
- Seal flush and seal quench optional
- Optional power frame available
- Close coupled through 40 horsepower
- Replaceable shaft sleeve
- 150 lb. centerline ANSI dimensioned flanges
- Available NPT connections