Vertiflo 2100 Series Industrial Trash Handling and Solids Handling Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps
Vertiflo Series 2100
The Vertiflo Series 2100, trash handling and solids handling self-priming centrifugal pump, is an ideal candidate for many different applications for example liquids entrained with solids, general industrial, pulp and paper, mining, meat packing, raw sewage, sludge, slurries, trash and wastewater.
The Vertiflo Series 2100 has capacities up to 1300 GPM and heads to 112 feet (suctions lifts to 25 feet) . It comes in 3”, 4” and 6” and can handle solids up to 3” diameter spheres. This pump is also offered in many different materials like, cast iron, 316ss fitted, all 316ss, CD4MCu fitted and all CD4MCu.